M.oldavite, M.essenger from another world... Here & Now
Stone of Consciousness - Force of love - Green Light - 18:9
Under the impact of a meteorite more than 14 milion years ago, drops of molten rock are projected into the atmosphere on earth, Sky-Earth union, giving birth to moldavite.
The high-vibration stone diffuses its Green Light with healing power, Force of Love and invites us to welcome this love whose origin is supra-terrestial to manifest it within our life in matter.
Green is a symbol of nature, of life, of renewal, of the Pressence of God in the hearts of human beings. 18, major arcana of the Tarot, feminine principle, the Shadows, the Moon which represents all that is buried in each of us, and which precedes the light...
The vibrations of 18 originate in the number 9 which symbolizes transformation, renewal, wisdom to refocus on the essential, to bring together the multiple in order to reform unity...
Bohemian angelica, herb of the Holy Spirit, herb of Angels..., Angelica Archangelica owes its name to the Archangel Raphael who revealed the healing properties of angelica to a sleeping hermit. 9, the Hermit, lights up with his lantern. The Moon illuminates the path, that of depths being, of the Self.
9: the end of a shadow. A light in the night. A light to see the end of the veil.
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