Smell the Miracle
Think the Light
Reflect the Light
Smell the M.iracle
Feel the M.iracle
Thinking, Reflecting the Light
Thinking, Healing...
Reflecting the Light
ticking, coin toss, Mystery...
The Glaive sparkles, the golden swords twirl
Gold of Mary
ant the two Suns dance
Benevolent intent is a silent language
The Forty precedes the Rebirth Flame
Q.anticle, Quantic Quartz, echoes
On the Stone, Green Light of the Living Prophets
Quartz - Grace, Infinite Recognition...
Germinate the seed of the Soul - Love
Feel, Smell
Listen to the light
Read the Word again, connect it all to that blows
The Key rutile, tears the veil
walsks on the water, swirls the time
The new Birth, carried by the two Angels
From Earth springs the Aram Fire, the Favorite
Warrior Woman on the one who was, who is and who comes
Him and Wings
Let the Stone be intuitive and oscillating,
Vibrates the Phoenix in you
Prima Materia
Feel Yourself
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