AMBRE RUSSE, a fragrance for impassioned souls.
AMBRE RUSSE’s luxurious ambergris expresses the unbridled magnificence of the Russian empire in the days of the last tsars. A baroque, splendorous setting, studded with golden bubbles that catch light even as it goes out, glittering with embroideries, fur-lined cloaks and spectacular dress uniforms…
In the flamboyant world of AMBRE RUSSE, nothing is done in half-measures: parties are as intoxicating and sparkling as the champagne that flowed in Imperial Russia, but they can end in the white brutality of an icy shot of vodka.
AMBRE RUSSE also conjures the warmth and comfort of dachas where Russia tea, laced with cinnamon and coriander, is brewed all day long in samovars. Its slightly smoky aroma melds with those of the birch and juniper tar rubbed into the legendary Russian leather.
At last, the golden facets of AMBRE RUSSE are burnished by the incense of the Orthodox Church, before melting into a cloud of musk… And the celebration ends in mystic ecstasy.
AMBRE RUSSE: as impassioned and uncompromising as the Slavic soul.
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